Naidee Sculptured Huts
The Naidee Sculptured Huts are named after their imaginative creator, Dusdee Rakmanee, also known as Naidee Changmoh. When Patravadi Mejudhon first moved to Hua Hin, she invited one of her favorite artists, Naidee, to come build living works of art from his imagination. Hua hin is plentiful in sand, but not in soil, so Naidee used white concreteamd sand to build the huts. His technique uses plastic cups to create a smooth and shiny texture of the building, together with sculptures and painting inside and outside.
The huts were originally built for parents visiting their children at Patravadi School, but they are now open to the public and tourists. Each hut can accommodate two, three, four, ten up to 30 people, perfect for families or large groups. Pets are welcome. We also have a riding school and many kind of animals that you can visit such as mini horses, deer, chickens, cows ,ducks and gineafouls.
Every Saturday, we welcome you to participate in our weekend workshops, such as: Music, Agriculture, Ballet, Cooking.
For more details, please call 032 827 814 , 085 669 5090 , 081 813 9631 daily during office hours.